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Sonic Academy Challenge

  • 49 Steps
Everyone who has completed all the steps will get a badge when the program ends.


Welcome to the Sonic Academy Challenge: Video-diary Production, Communication Practice and Freeing Natural Voice programs. Eight weeks of developing voice expression combining with video-diary creation and online access to all zoom meetings. Video diary program are intended for those who want to participate in the "Videocollectifs" being part of the international "Videoformes" festival and to present their video-diary. It can either be 3 minutes of actual video filming or previous video material witch can involve poetry, storytelling, literature, sounds, etc...The program will be conduct in English. Freeing Natural Voice (on Tuesdays) and Communication Practice (on Thursdays) program topics: Do - BIRTH OF VOICE (body freedom, attention); Re - BALANCING THE VOICE (breathing, touching the sound) Mi - VIBRATING VOICE(vibration, improvisation); Fa - OPENING TE VOICE (release of the voice channel); Sol - VOICE RESONATING (voice transmission, range, articulation); La - VOICE EXPRESSION (words, text, imagination); Si - FAR-REACHING VOICE (text merging, fantasy, rhythm); Do - CREATIVE VOICE (rhythm); Video-diary Production topics (on Sundays at): 1 VOICE ACTING BUSINESS; 2 IMAGINATION; 3 IMPROVISATION; 4 SCRIPTWRITING /VIDEO EDITING; 5 PUBLIC SPEAKING /MID-TERM REVIEW; 6 STORYTELLING / SOUNDTRACK CREATION; 7 NETWORKING / CONSULTING; 8 VIDEO-DIARY BROADCASTED ONLINE; END OF MARCH - Presentation of video-diary at the international festival Vidéoformes.

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